We had the 'pleasure 'of a TV documentary in the UK yesterday that aimed to refute the science of climate change. And it did show a swindle, but the swindle was not the one they suggested to show. This is just one of the many distortions the programme contained, but hopefully this clearly shows the approach of the producers.
At one point, they showed the above graph with an aim to show the cooling period from ca. 1940-1970, and the subsequent warming period. The graph is labelled "World Temp - 120 Years'' and is apparently from NASA. However, on checking out the NASA data which is present on their website...NASA GISS
At one point, they showed the above graph with an aim to show the cooling period from ca. 1940-1970, and the subsequent warming period. The graph is labelled "World Temp - 120 Years'' and is apparently from NASA. However, on checking out the NASA data which is present on their website...NASA GISS
...we actually see something rather different. So, below are two of the data graphs available for the similar temperature period (others available via the link). The first is the global mean temperatures, and the second shows southern and northern hemisphere temperatures over the last 120 or so years:
Seems to me the graph they presented looks suspiciously like the northern hemisphere temperatures. The graph certainly isn't comparable to the global/world temperatures from NASA for that period. Oops!
Just one example of the many distortions broadcast in the programme last night; makes the cooling look much more impressive I guess. They also completely ignored any of the current explanations for this period of cooling - sulphate aerosols from industry, which is actually well-modelled. It doesn't surprise me, we can't really expect anything better from these guys, they certainly don't have any evidence...
I was hoping you'd post something about this =-)
haha, I could post so much more, but it'd take up the whole blog front page. I'll let other blogs carry the weight of the criticism. Carl Wunsch says was misled and his words distorted:
Carl Wunsch, professor of physical oceanography at MIT, said the film, The Great Global Warming Swindle, was “grossly distorted” and “as close to pure propaganda as anything since World War Two”.
Which is par for the course of the producer of this doucmentary.
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