Tuesday, March 13, 2007

War Hawk Wing Punditry - US Vs. Australia

An opinion piece in The Australian was brought to my attention at Blogocracy.

Michael Fullilove: Hawks must admit they got Iraq wrong

In sharp contrast to their American counterparts, Australia's prominent intellectual supporters of the Iraq war have not held themselves to account

Which made me think, because they haven't. Gerard Henderson, Janet Albrechtsen, Andrew Bolt, et. al. have yet (to my knowledge) to revisit their reasoning for supporting it. I wonder why? Is it because Australian politics has yet to really concentrate on our decisions for following the US into war? Howard is pretty much the only COW leader to come through the Iraq conflict with his polls unscathed. That may say more about our opposition parties than the politics of the Iraq war though.

So what would change this - I wonder what would make the hawks in the Australian media at least revisit their reasons for supporting the invasion of Iraq? Howard suffering electorally, or something more awful like significant Australian troop deaths?

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